This four part webinar series presented by Goodwin Procter, a global destination life cycle law firm to innovative life science and healthcare companies and their investors.
This webinar series will guide you through the company lifecycle, including importantly, mistakes made during the early stages of starting a business and how to not make these mistakes. The Goodwin team have pioneered the development of some of the most innovative corporate structures used in the life sciences industry today, and we are pleased to join nextGen to present our webinar series.
Morag Peberdy has specialized in life sciences work for more than twenty years. She has particular expertise in advising innovative life sciences companies on licensing and partnering; R&D and collaboration agreements, patent licenses, intellectual property pipeline arrangements, joint ventures, option agreements, strategic alliances, and other commercial and IP-related contracts; and on intellectual property issues arising in wide-ranging corporate transactions.
Malcom Bates specialises in the commercialisation of intellectual property rights with particular expertise in life sciences. Malcolm advises on transactions, including licences, collaborations, distribution, manufacturing, outsourcing and R&D projects, as well as regulatory matters, contract and patent disputes, fundraisings, M&A transactions and IPOs.