Russell Greig - Chairman
Over the last decade, Russell has served as Chairman and board member for a range of innovative biopharmaceutical companies in the US and in Europe. This includes Chairman of: Sanifit (Spain), Cardior (Switzerland), eTheRNA (Belgium), AM Pharma (The Netherlands), Mint Solutions (The Netherlands), and Horama (France). He oversaw a number of successful exits as Chairman of: Isconova (Sweden) – acquired by Novavax (U.S.), Novagali (France) – acquired by Santen (Japan), Syntaxin (UK) – acquired by Ipsen (France). Russell also served as non-executive director of Ablynx (Belgium), Tigenix (Belgium) and Onxeo Pharma (France).
Russel served as President of GlaxoSmithKline’s Pharmaceuticals International from 2003 to 2008 and Senior Vice President of worldwide development from 2000-2003, as well as on the GlaxoSmithKline corporate executive team.
Russell graduated from the University of Manchester, UK with a BSc and PhD in Biochemistry.